Why choose FlexiParts?

  1. We’re a WesTrac-owned business, backed by the Caterpillar dealer network
  2. A member of CDUPA (Caterpillar Dealers Used Parts Association)
  3. You’ll have access to a global network of trusted and reliable suppliers
  4. You’ll be supported by a large team of experienced and specialised parts experts
  5. We can service all your sites in WA, NSW and ACT
  6. We can offer you parts for any brand of machinery – not just Cat equipment
  7. Being a Cat dealer, nobody knows Cat equipment better than us
  8. Access to all of the latest Caterpillar technology updates
  9. We’re focused on delivering flexible solutions, not rigid services
  10. We have dealer support, which includes quick access to engineers
  11. We provide a quality guarantee and warranty with all our parts
  12. Our work is carried out in accordance with strict quality-control standards
  13. All of our service personnel are Cat dealer trained

The FlexiParts Difference
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