FlexiParts is gearing up to dismantle a Cat D10T Dozer; a powerful machine that comes from a loyal and valued customer, ensuring it has a comprehensive maintenance history.
This well-known and popular model is one of several that our skilled and highly professional team regularly dismantles.
This practice enables us to maintain a robust inventory of essential components for our valued FlexiParts customers. These efforts ensure that we can meet the needs of our customers by providing high-quality parts from well-maintained machines.
Model: D10T Track Type Tractor
History: Ex WesTrac Customer Asset
Hours: 80,629
Take Outs
- Full Powertrain
- Engine
- Final Drives
- Transmission
- SU Blade and Push-arms
- All Cylinders
- Operator's Cab
Currently Dismantling
Cat 789C Off Highway Truck June 2024
FlexiParts is currently dismantling a Cat 789C Truck underhook in our modern Perth Airport facility.

Currently Dismantling
Two Cat 793C Off Highway Trucks May 2023
Two Cat 793C off-highway trucks are currently being disassembled by the FlexiParts team, and there is a detailed record of their maintenance history available.

Currently Dismantling
Cat 793C Off Highway Trucks set for disassembly
Two additional Cat 793C Off Highway Trucks are set for disassembly at the FlexiParts workshop. All components and parts will be available soon.